15h August
He sleeps in  the meditation period! तो चक्क रोज डुलक्या काढतो! Confused me wasn’t sure how to react Or to console!!!

She virtually acted mad when I revealed my identity! She wasnt happy as Ojas was one of those students who will always run across the corridor, down to the ground for PT period!!! No the complain doesn’t end here… He has  been doing it repeatedly for number of times! He wants batting first…Wants to ball first too…he plays well, but PT is for all students! You question him and he has justification!…It took a minute for me to realize she was venting out!!! 🙂

Contemplating I walked down…Yeah, it’s okay if he feels sleepy, no…he should be disciplined and walk down in a line for  the PT period…. And then I saw this…


OK…Ojas is just like one of these normal kids…. One of those who love playing. One of those who wouldn’t untie laces before removing their shoes.

Yeah, he needs a dose of discipline but I needed one until I turned 25 when a  decision was made to keep the keys right on the key holder! When I’m about to turn 40 I’m still sure that I do need such doses for personal improvement and its not a kid but a human that needs it!

Isn’t that change happens through “realizing” something and its truly about “how” we make someone realize?

Comments to: The Kid, the Teacher and the Parent!!!

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